About the Better Futures Housing Trust

Creating affordable homeownership opportunities

Better Futures for Current Home Owners

Legacy and Financial 

Better Futures for Individuals and Families

Homeownership Opportunities

How this model works

Home Ownership for working middle class

About Better Futures Housing Trust

Mission, Vision & Values

Who Is This For?

Current B.C home and land owners

01 | Current homeowners with ‘too much’ house and wish to recover built-up equity while remaining in the house.
02 | Current land owners wishing to ensure that their land is used in a specific way after their passing. May also want to recover some equity. Could also support a specific community or identity group they’re tied to, such as farmers or refugees.
03 | Gift by bequest
04 | Renters who feel comfortable to approach their landlord and work together to transition the property  to a land trust or co-op, so that the tenants have long-term stability while the former landlord retains their income.

Individuals and families wanting affordable, stable housing

01 | With a steady income that is not sufficient to buy in the current market.
02 | Willing to live in separate units but in shared building.
03 | A group of people seeking to work communally (eg. to access land for farmers committed to sustainable agriculture.)

The Problem

Shortages of land, lending, labour and materials are fuelling the housing crisis. Costs are up, and profit margins for the builders are down. 

Skyrocketing housing prices have created a crisis. 

Investors are buying homes to maximize rental income.

We all recognize it. Purchasing a home is not affordable for most people.

Vancouver Sun

What Is Needed

A new model that supports homeowners in transitioning their homes to become permanently affordable housing.

Connecting overhoused homeowners to those that need stable housing.

Our model using existing resources on existing properties and offer individuals and families ‘limited equity’ in newly formed housing.

The Guardian

How Does Better Futures Work?

Step 1  |  Interested homeowners work with Better Futures Housing to determine if the model meets their needs and whether the transition is financially viable.

Step 2  |  If it’s workable, Better Futures Housing works with the homeowner to transition ownership of the home to a community land trust or housing cooperative. The homeowner might remain in a portion of the house, or move elsewhere.

Step 3  |  New residents move in and support the project with affordable rent or lease payments.

Step 4   |  The original homeowner receives a portion of these payments, enabling them to feel secure and plan for their future.

Step 5  |  The remainder goes into a fund for the land trust to make repairs, pay property taxes, and cover other costs. The job of the trust or coop is to ensure the property will always be used for affordable housing for people who need it.

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